As part of our “putting you first” campaign, this month, Shepherds Friendly Society staff were trained in fire safety including how to prevent and protect themselves from fires at home and in the work place by former fire-fighter Mark Norgate.
Our “putting you first” staff campaign has been put in place to encourage the health and wellbeing of our staff in varied and exciting ways. In the past, the campaign has covered financial wellbeing, guidance on healthy lifestyles and first aid training.
What we learnt about fire safety
The course covered the basics in fire safety training, as well as the science behind the ways fires can spread. Mark discussed fire prevention methods in detail, such as taking precautions to make sure electrical items do not overheat, being aware of flammable materials around the house and office and making sure all doors are shut and not propped open. The group also learnt how to fight small fires, and what you need to do to alert people if a fire does actually start.
Many of those who took part were not aware of how advanced a fire can become within a short space of time. Learning the simple steps you can take to prevent fires proved useful information for everyone in the class.
The videos shown on the day made it clear to all how dangerous fires can become, and the team activities and discussions helped the group understand how important fire safety is.
What our staff members thought
Maxine, finance administrator at Shepherds Friendly, who took part in the course, said:
‘I really enjoyed the Fire Safety Training, it has definitely made me more aware of how quickly and easily a fire can spread and how devastating it can be. We were provided with some great tips and advice on how to prevent fires and how best to deal with one. One which I will definitely take away is the importance of closing your doors both in the home and in the office as this can really make a difference in the event of a fire’
Customer service representative, Anna, who also attended the course, said:
‘I found the talk very informative, and very scary! It has opened my eyes at how quickly fire can spread and what I can do to minimise the risk of a fire starting and how best to contain it. Well worth going to.’
Our “Putting you first” campaign
We pride ourselves on not just looking after our members, but making the effort to improve the health and wellbeing of our employees as well. After being awarded the silver standard for better people management by Investors in People, we have put even more effort into rewarding our staff members. Coming up over the next six months we will be offering yoga classes to help manage stress, and opportunities for our staff to volunteer within the local community.