Our recent bonus notifications provide clear evidence of the Society’s ability to maintain a strong level of performance despite the economic problems facing the country.
The Bonus declaration also highlights the value of investing in our range of with-profits plans, including the Bonus Plan and Young Saver Plan. Remember the annual bonuses on these plans when given are guaranteed never to be taken away and you may also look forward to a final bonus on maturity based on the performance of the investment throughout the life of the plan.
So you can see that investing with us is a wise decision, particularly when you appreciate that plans such as our Bonus Plan also include built-in life cover that’s simply not available with standard savings accounts. Another clear reason to choose Shepherds Friendly!
ANNUAL BONUSES 2005-2009 |
Contract Type |
2005 |
2006 |
2007 |
2008 |
2009 |
With Profits Bond (series 1) |
2.50% |
2.50% |
2.50% |
2.50% |
2.50% |
With Profits Bond (series 2) |
3.00% |
3.00% |
3.00% |
3.00% |
3.00% |
3.00% |
Junior Moneymaker |
1.50% |
1.50% |
1.50% |
1.50% |
1.50% |
Bonus Plan – With Profits tax-exempt |
2.00% |
2.00% |
2.00% |
2.00% |
2.00% |
Bonus Plan – With Profits taxable |
1.50% |
1.50% |
1.50% |
1.50% |
1.50% |
Young Saver & Adult Holloway |
2.50% |
2.50% |
2.50% |
2.50% |
2.50% |