Last Friday the staff here at Shepherds Friendly put their Mary Berry hat on and made cakes and pastries for the world’s biggest coffee morning, in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support.
Macmillan is a cancer support charity there to support anyone who has had cancer affect their lives, directly or indirectly. They help with money worries and advice about work, or are a listening ear if someone just wants to talk. Macmillan has held its fundraising coffee morning since 1991 and in 2016 people up and down the country raised £29.5m.
At our coffee morning there were a wide variety of edible creations, from sponges and flapjack to samosas and pork pies. Plates were piled high and some people went back for seconds and even thirds.
Whether they were a complete baking novice, and used a ready-mix packet, or an experienced ex-pastry chef everyone tried to put their heart into what they made.
Heather from Member Services, who was a driving force behind our coffee morning, had this to say about how it all went:
“I think there was a fantastic selection of home made food. Although this was a coffee morning, ours stretched from one continent to the other; the samosas, kebabs and pakoras went down a storm. Complemented by the home bakes and bought in cakes, even the people who thought they couldn’t bake gave it a go!”
Speaking about how many edible treats were made for our fundraising effort, Jack from Member Services said:
“Cake, cake as far as the eye could see.”
We all love food here in the office and it showed. However, we not only spoke with our stomachs, we spoke with our wallets and managed to raise a brilliant £200 for Macmillan.
More pictures from the day can be seen on our Facebook and Twitter pages.